Mi tierra danza

When the days were dressed in gloom and the nights in sighs of the past. Your skin, sore and covered in scars caused by the winds, calls for lamentation. She says that you do not worry because your inhabitants already deduce your torment. They speak the language of your ancestors, but they do not clean your skin with ointment. Keep itinerating and feed your travelers they dance to your music, but they don't feel it. They keep leaving on your skin footprints and ruffling your torrent.
Dance with me to wash away your sacrifice. Dance on the colors of the wind. Dance marking the beat of the migrants. Dance with our rhythms that purify better than ointment.


The artwork presents the humanity finding the equilibrium needed in our planet to coexist with the natural environment. We are here only temporarily and we must learn to respect that this beautiful world we live in doesn't belong to us. The obligation of our generation is to find a balance in our actions to be able to leave good living conditions for our future generations.


As above so is below! Or, as in the external world so it is in the core.
We live in a universal network in which every one of our actions has a direct result and consequence for our environment. Most other species create a balance with their environment. I find it incongruent that humans, supposedly the most intelligent creature on the planet, are destroying our only home.
In reality, the only logical choice to reach the real human potential is joining reason and love in a single marriage, and for our decisions to become emblematic for the planet. Our actions affect our ecosystem and even our personalities. We take the planet for granted but our planet is screaming for our protection and our actions are not stopping the destruction and devastation.

Photo by Gabriel Cifuentes

Plead to Earth

This artwork speaks of the necessity to repair our environment. While in the world there are millions of people fully conscious of the damage we have created, and are working actively to stop it, there are still many who need to be convinced of the reality of our planet.


Este proyecto intenta mostrarnos que somos parte de un todo. Nuestras acciones afectan el bienestar común y solo entendiendo nuestras vidas en sociedad y como un solo equipo es que podemos llegar a un mundo más solidario.

Letters to the Earth

With great concern over the environmental problem on our planet, the destruction of our old growth forests, the pollution in our waters and light pollution, the “Eric” photography piece aims to create awareness of our societal obligation to the planet. As an artist, I want to reach out with deep concern to all those still not convinced that our actions will determinate the future of our planet. Our generation has the obligation to create the conditions to guarantee the healthy survival of our planet for future generations. The artworks created for this exhibition include or represent nature in its simplest form but with the great complexity of our dependence of the vigorous conditions of the ecosystem. I accept the difficult environmental conditions of our planet as a fact and assume the responsibility of working as part of a societal team to defend the world’s most important asset, the planet itself.

Roots on the Rock

This project evaluates our active participation in environmental recovery. My personal development as an individual artist who transforms and matures, is now finding physical limitations to do what was previously very easy to do. The re-adaptation of my body makes me aware that the changes in my own being occur simultaneously with the changes in the planet. The big difference is that I accept the shackles of my life as the normal process of my existence, but this planet will be home to millions of future generations. Therefore, we should not accept the deterioration of the planet as normal, but do every possible act to reverse the damage we have caused.

Roots and the Hat Bird

In this moment we know that some kind of mushrooms have the possibility to transform the particles of plastic we have thrown to the word and revers the contamination we have created. This project evaluates our active participation in environmental recovery. My personal development as an individual artist who transforms and matures, is now finding physical limitations to do what was previously very easy to do. The re-adaptation of my body makes me aware that the changes in my own being occur simultaneously with the changes in the planet. The big difference is that I accept the shackles of my life as the normal process of my existence, but this planet will be home to millions of future generations. Therefore, we should not accept the deterioration of the planet as normal, but do every possible act to reverse the damage we have caused.


Verbal insults are initiated through words that only have power if we allow them to affect us. This project was created to support an artist residency program in northern Ontario in which the participants are members of the LGBTQ2S+ (Queer up North). It begins by recalling the word “Mariposa” which in Colombian culture is used in a dismissive way to insult a man who has feminine mannerisms. By launching this word, the aim is to humiliate the recipient as if it were an act of reduction in social rank. The objective of the insulter is to pretend to say that having a mannerism is a reason to insinuate that this person is less welcome or deserves mistreatment due to an attribute of their personality. I have created a butterfly costume with the intention of weakening this aggressive verbal act of social discrimination. I think that the word mentioning a lepidopteran really loses all its weight. The lepidopteran phase of some insects refers to the moment when these beings are showier and more colorful, with large and very attractive wings. It also reflects the success of a great metamorphosis process and the adult phase that not all are able to reach.